Revision and control


Part 1 of 1

When should you do your revisions?

Daily check 👀

We strongly recommend a daily check before each use. Check the condition of the tyres, the brakes, all the clamping elements, the locking of the bike's folding elements, the headset.

Servicing 🔧

To ensure safety and keep components in good condition, you should have your EAB checked periodically by a cycle professional.

First overhaul 1️⃣

A first overhaul is necessary after one month's use or 150 km. The various bolts and nuts on your bike will come into place, and this check-up will enable you to fine-tune your bike's adjustments and tightenings.

Second service 2️⃣

The second service should be carried out after 6 months or 1,000 km. It provides an initial check-up of your bike and the wear and tear on consumables.

Thereafter ↪️

We then recommend that you have your bike serviced at least once a year or every 2,000 km.